At Armani's 6 month dental cleaning, his pediatric dentist informed us that he would have to pull his front tooth (Armani fell and injured the tooth when he was 12 months old). I have to admit, I'm pretty heart broken over this. I know things happen and that it is just a baby tooth, but the thought of him going through the next 5-6 years without a front tooth and the teasing that will undoubtedly ensue just breaks my heart.
So hubby and I decide to take Armani to see our dentist for a second opinion. I mean there has to be some other options, right? This morning I called to schedule an appointment and they tell me that they could get us in today at 2:30pm. Great we're there! Now, I'm sure you wiser moms are thinking, you're kidding right, you're NOT going to take a 2 year old to the DENTIST at 2:30pm, are you? Isn't that when most toddlers nap? Yes it is, so I'm not sure what I was thinking when I agreed to this appointment since Armani (when he does nap) is usually asleep at 2:30. I guess I thought that this would be one of those no nap days and even if he did get a little tired, he's pushed through it before so how bad could it be? OMG...little did I know.
Once we got to the dentist's office, Armani and Maya played nicely in the little playroom for about, oh let me see, FOUR minutes. This office has no doors (did you hear me, NO doors), instead the entire office is an OPEN floor plan. Not something I noticed when I go in to get my teeth cleaned but quickly took note of when I had my 2 year old with me. Seriously, NO doors, not so great for toddlers. So until we were called back to see the dentist, all I did was run after Armani, time and time again as he kept bolting to the back area where patients were being treated. Then they wanted me to fill out 4 pages of paperwork. Uh, are you kidding me? Can't you see that I'm chasing a 2 year old. So as I hold my 41 pound, squirming boy in one arm, I desperately try to fill out these stupid forms. Finally, they call us back. As soon as Armani sees the dental chair he starts crying, screaming, and again squirms to get out of my arms and when I can't hold him anymore I put him down and of course he bolts to the front (remember OPEN floor plan). So I run after him for the millionth time, pick him up and hold him tight. Then Maya starts crying because she wants the dentist to clean her teeth. At this point, the office seems very hot to me, I'm totally sweating. The good news is that the dentist comes over rather quickly, I assume because she and everyone else in the office can hear Armani screaming and wailing. So the dentist and I are trying our mighty best to talk over both kids crying and I'm seriously struggling to keep Armani in my lap for the doctor to evaluate his tooth. It was so bad that the Dentist asks if it would be better if we continue our conversation via phone. I happily agree and try to get out of the office as quickly as possible, but both kids are crying and are so uncooperative. Seriously, this was Armani's worst melt down (he won't let me pick him up, he won't stand up or walk and instead just lays on the floor crying). Finally, I pick him up, hold him as tight as I can so he won't squirm his way out of my arms (I'm probably cutting off his circulation somewhere but at this point I really don't care) and tell Maya that she'd better follow me out to the car. I place (more like throw) both kids in the car and force their seat belts on (both of them are still crying very loudly). I say nothing. I get into the drivers seat, roll down my window, take a few deep breaths, turn on the radio (VERY LOUDLY) and try to ignore them. After I drive about two blocks it suddenly gets quiet. I look back in my review mirror and, you guessed it, both kids are fast asleep. I wanted to drive to the nearest bar and get a very tall drink but instead I came home and transferred them both to their beds. On the bright side, this is the first time both kids have taken a nap at the same time in over a year.
So when Armani is a teenager and tells me that I have embarrassed him in someway, I will kindly remind him of this day (November 17, 2008) and even perhaps show him this post and the embarrassment that I had endured.
One year later . . .
8 years ago
We have all been there! Hope everything went well with Armani's tooth,and that he does not have to have it pulled.
Good luck holding Armani down. The dentist will get more then he bargained for.
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